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District Strategic Math Planning and Implementation


2Partner understands and has proven success in two important areas.  First, we are successful in moving schools out of turnaround and priority improvement status with partners who have schools in those categories. Second, we support  continuous growth and proficiency with schools who are close to or are currently in performance status. This work is successful because 2Partner provides ongoing instructional support and guidance working with district leadership to develop and refine long-range (4-5 year) strategic plans.


Strategic plans are effective when they not only identify end goals but connect the means to reach those ends throughout the plan. 2Partner works to systematically address mathematics goals and needs at the district level which impacts the level of service that they can provide at the school and classroom level. 


  • Identify current mathematics leadership within the partner district.
  • Conduct collaborative walkthroughs prior to contract of services to establish baseline state. 
  • Co- create a plan to improve student outcomes and build capacity in a school district through professional development, leadership coaching, curriculum support, and more.
  • Conduct collaborative walkthroughs to monitor the implementation and effectiveness of the strategic plan.  
  • Conduct smaller site-based action plans that are co-created with principals, and supervisors, to plan forward.

Read our headline article from the gazette

2Partner has supported Pueblo District 60 in transforming mathematics teaching and learning since 2019.  21 schools in the state of Colorado were identified for the 2022 Governors Spotlight Award based on moving two or more levels on State Performance Frameworks, four of the schools are schools we support in Pueblo District 60. Minnequa Elementary School in Pueblo was also awarded the Math Bright Spot Award from the Governor.

Founders, Rachael and Kim have extensive experience working in school turnaround and have not only the mathematical content knowledge to lead improvement but also the turnaround leadership competencies to be an effective thought partner with district leadership around holistic school and district reform.  They help district leaders to think about how to scale best practices across a district.

Suzanne Morey

Assistant Superintendent, Pueblo District 60 Schools

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