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Curriculum Support Documents


2Partner has worked with districts to develop and create curriculum support documents that help teachers pace standards throughout the year. We develop scope and sequence resources and create“quick reference guides” to support teachers in understanding the big ideas of modules or topics within a unit using the district approved curriculum.  We can also provide support in vetting math curriculum for adoption cycles. 


As schools work to navigate the standards and utilize curriculum to implement high quality mathematics instruction, 2Partner can support in streamlining this process by customizing and developing curriculum support documents for schools and districts. This allows teachers and building leaders to focus on the quality of instruction rather than spending precious time and resources developing scope and sequences, pacing guides, and curriculum maps. Curriculum support documents allow teachers to stay organized, on pace, and ensure they are getting at the key learning of the grade level. 


  • Collaborate with building leaders to align on curriculum and calendars. 
  • Develop personalized and grade level specific Scope and Sequence that helps teachers pace the standards and curriculum throughout the year.
  • Design Quick Reference Guides that showcase big ideas, key concepts, and highlight the central mathematical learning and thinking of the units. 
  • Curriculum support documents can be designed for elementary, middle, and high school.

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